Health consciousness
Medical examinations
How often do we go to doctors for a checkup? Do we get a full medical check-up regularly? Based on our age, we should visit doctors for a checkup at least once every year. Furthermore, if we suffer from chronic diseases, we should surely ask our doctor the frequency of getting a checkup. When we are healthy, we can face all the everyday difficulties and problems much better. Therefore, don’t foget to undertake medical examinations at regular intervals .
The benefits of regular checkups
Regular checkups save our life. We can avoid a lot of diseases when we often get blood tests, monitor our blood pressure and undertake cancer screening tests. Furthermore, we can increase the chances of cure when we get poor health outcomes by our doctors. By controlling a health problem, we decrease the possibilities to be under high risk health conditions. All in all, if we get a regular checkup, we will be more aware of our health condition.
Improving our health everyday
People may suffer from obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiopathy, alcoholism, cancer and other serious diseases. Exercising our body everyday, eating healthy, drinking water, sleeping well and meeting our good friends as often as we can, are some ways to imrove our physical and social health. Why not starting from today? Maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent illnesses.
Λεξιλόγιο – Vocabulary
1. η υγεία | health |
2. η διατροφή | diet |
3. η καρδιοπάθεια | cardiopathy |
4. προστατεύω | to protect |
5. βελτιώνω | to improve |