Learning vocabulary in Greek - Basic difficulties How could bilinguals and foreign students learn new vocabulary in Greek easily? Are there any tips? Greek words are big words for...
The blog contains texts in English on a variety of interesting topics. We have selected topics related to everyday life, latest social and political news, customs and celebrations in Greece and worldwide. You can also find a list of Greek words on the topics. Furthermore, you can download exercises on some texts to complete.
We hope you enjoy reading the topics, completing the exercises and developing your language skills in Greek.
Epiphany Day – Greek customs
Epiphany Day - Greek customs - Έθιμα των Φώτων The Epiphany Day, 6th January, the Orthodox celebrate the baptism of Jesus Christ by John Prodromos, the Baptist. It is a great...
Wishes for the New Year – Καλή χρονιά!
Happy New Year wishes When the year changes, we give wishes to our family, friends, relatives and colleagues. “Happy New Year” - Καλή Χρονιά! in Greek we greet to each other. If our...
The Christmas carols – Τα κάλαντα των Χριστουγέννων
The Christmas carols - Τα κάλαντα των Χριστουγέννων Etymology The word Kalanda derives from the latin word “kalendae”. The word “kalendae” has its roots to the ancient Greek word,...
The Vasilopita Cake – Saint Basil’s sweet pie
The Vasilopita Cake - Saint Basil sweet pie Saint Vasilis (Saint Basil) the Αrchbishop of Caesaria According to historical facts, when Saint Basil was the Archbishop of Caesaria in...
A letter to Santa Claus
A letter to Santa Claus Have you already written your letter to Santa Claus? If not, do it as soon as possible! Christmas is coming! The tradition of writing a letter Writing a letter...
The three wise men – The three Magi
The three wise men from East In bibliography we find the three wise men named as “The three Magi” or “The three Kings”. They were wise men who had studied the prophecies about Jesus'...
Ballet for children
Is ballet easy? Ballet is a special form of dance that can help children learn other types of dancing. Ballet exercises are not an easy task. Children should perfom detailed movements...
Diligent student – Ο επιμελής μαθητής
Who is the diligent student? Diligent student is the one who studies at a daily basis and does not have serious gaps in learning. Diligent student has a strong will to learn. He is...