Preparation for breakfast
Inviting friends for breakfast is a very nice way to start your day. Eating healthy food and refreshing juices with friends and sharing your news will make you feel good. Make a list of the breakfast menu you will cook and go shopping to buy the products you need. Think, also, of the buffet decoration. You may need to buy flowers, new vases and tablecloths.
Breakfast menu
Fresh bread, boiled eggs, omelettte with sausages and ham, cheese pie, apple cake, croissants, chocolate biscuits are some choices you could prepare. Milk, yoghurt with corn flakes, cottage cheese, butter, fruit marmelades and juices are basic ingredients of a full breakfast. If you want to make an indulgent recipe, then cook French toast. Your friends will love it!
Table decoration
Setting the table beautiful for breakfast will increase your friends’ apetite. The coffee cups, glasses for juice, cereal bowls as well as the napkins, plates and spoons should be arranged correctly. Choose a bright color for the table decoration and fill the vases with flowers of that color. Furthermore, decorate runners with candles of the same color. Slice up some fruits, such as pine apples and oranges and garnish the plates.
Welcoming your friends
Last but not least, write the word Goodmornig on a poster and color it. Choose the color of the table decoration for your poster and stick it on your door. Your poster is a very warm way to welcome your friends.
Λεξιλόγιο – Vocabulary
πρωινό | breakfast |
προσκαλώ | invite |
μαγειρεύω | cook |
υλικά | products |
διακόσμηση | decoration |
μαγειρεύω | buy |
τραπέζι | table |
δημητριακά | cereals |
χυμός | juice |