Clean Monday -Why is this Day important?

Feb 25, 2025 | Culture and tradition

Celebrating the Clean Monday

What is the Clean Monday?

Clean Monday is a symbolic day for the Orthodox Christians. Clean Monday or Pure Monday is a national and religious celebration during which the Orthodox believers clean themselves from sins and eat fasting food. The Clean Monday is the last day of the carnival period and the first day of the Great Lent before the Easter Sunday.

Wishes of the “Clean Monday”

Kala Koukouma” is the wish all the Greeks say to each other. The meaning of the wish is “Happy Clean Monday”. The etymology of the word “koulouma” may be related to the columns. Ancient Greeks called columna, κούλουμνα, κούλουμα the columns of the Temple of Zeus. This Temple is located in the centre of Athens, southeast of Acropolis and Synagma Square. It is dedicated to the Father and the King of Gods, Zeus.

Kali Sarakosti” is another wish of the day. Sarakosti is the period of the Holy Lent before the Easter Sunday. Sarakosti derives from the word forty, which in Greek is “σαράντα”. The real period is fifty days. This period is dedicated to praying for the Orthodox Christians. During the “Sarakosti” there are a lot of church services that the believers attend.

What do the Greeks eat eat during the Clean Monday?

There are a lot of Greek traditional food for the Clean Monday.


Lagana is the bread of the Clean Monday. It has sesame and its shape is long and thin. Lagana combines exquisitely with all the sauces, the starters and the man dishes of this day menu.


Taramosalata is the sauce of the day. Taramas, fish roe, is the basic ingredient of taramosalata. Taramas mixed with boiled potatoes or with wet bread and oil is the sauce all the Greeks eat.


Grilled octopus is a delicious starter of the Clean Monday lunch. Lemon and herb marinade make it even more tasty.

Cuttlefish with spinach

This dish is very special and rich in vitamins. Cuttlefish with tomato sauce, onions and spinach are cooked together in the casserole. One glass of ouzo poured in the casserole make the food even more delicious.

Greek giant beans – Gigantes

Gigantes are the giant beans with tomato sauce, lemon zest, rosemary, pepper and salt.

Kala Koulouma and Kali Sarakosti to all the Greeks!

Don’t forget to take part in kite-flying competitions.

Λεξιλόγιο – Vocabulary

η νηστεία = fasting

η ευχή = wish

εύχομαι = to wish

η σουπιά = cuttlefish

traditional = παραδοσιακός

period = η περίοδος

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