Celebrating the Greek Language
The official day of celebrating the Greek Language worldwide is February, 9. It coincides with the memorial of Dionysios Solomos, the Greek National poet, who composed the Greek National anthem.
Why do we celebrate the Greek Language?
The Greek Language with its rich vocabulary, hierarchical order of syntax, difficult grammar has influenced the entire world. Greek Language has a great impact on the Western Civilization and global culture. Homer’s language as well as the great Greek philosophers language with the notions they offered to the whole world deserve recognition. The Greek Language has fundamentally contributed to the sciences such as Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Philosophy, Literature, Theology and Medicine. Scientific terms, for example, geometry, apeiron, sphere, sophia, nostalgia, ethos.
Moreover, the International Greek Language Day gives us the opportunity to reflect on Dionysios Solomos pieces of work. He is the one who composed the Greek National anthem. In1824, the poet composed the epic “Hymn to Liberty”. The first stanzas became the Greek National anthem. Other Greek famous writers, such as the Nobelists Odysseus Elytis and George Seferis, incorporate the wealth of the Greek language into their writings.
Without doubt, the Greek Language transmits the thoughts of the Ancient Greek and Modern Greek civilization. It is the instrument that carries all the glory of our ancestors, our brilliant rhetors, historians, philosophers and tragedians (writers of the Greek tragedies) and modern people of spirit.
Preserving Greek Language is prerequisite nowadays
Speaking Greek correctly is a prerequisite nowadays. The designers of the Greek school curricula, the heads of schools as well as the teachers should all give great attention to the teaching methods of the Greek language. Kids and teenagers should learn the Greek language step-by-step and in depth. The new generation should be offered the chance to discover the Greek civilization steeped into the language.
Greek students present group projects on the history of the Greek language and its significance in global civilization. Not only in Greece but in all the Greek schools of diaspora, the Greek school communities organize events in order to highlight the pivotal role of the Greek Language to global culture.
Studying the Greek Language is a great need. In this way, we can all realize its enduring role.
Vocabulary – Λεξιλόγιο
1/ η μέθοδος = method
2/ μεταφέρω = to carry
3/ ο ρήτορας = rhetor
4/ ο συγγραφέας = writer
5/ η κληρονομιά = legacy