Return / Cancellation / Withdrawal Policy

  • Returns
    • Due to the nature of digital products, all sales of e-books are final and non-refundable.
    • If you encounter any issues with your download or the content of the e-book, please contact our customer support for assistance.
  • Cancellations
    • Orders for e-books cannot be canceled once they have been processed and the download link has been provided.
    • If you mistakenly ordered the wrong e-book, please contact customer support immediately. We will review your case and provide assistance if possible.
  • Withdrawal
    The EU Consumer Rights Directive, which took effect on June 13, 2014, aims to harmonize and enhance consumer protection across EU member states. One of its key components addresses the rights and obligations related to the sale of digital content.
    Key Points of the Directive:
    Definition of Digital Content:
    Digital content includes data produced and supplied in digital form, such as e-books, software, music files, and online streaming services.
    Right of Withdrawal:
    • Generally, consumers have a 14-day cooling-off period during which they can withdraw from a distance or off-premises contract without providing any reason. This applies to most goods and services, including physical products and services ordered online or over the phone.

For any questions or assistance, please contact our customer support team at

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